Wonderful Christmas spent with family. The 4 little TLC's were so much fun to watch as they received their gifts from Precious Husband and me. Tyler, 4 year old TLC#2 opened a package to find Star War pajamas and the next thing we knew he had stripped down to his undershorts and was trying to get into the new jammies. We all laughed so hard at his innocence and excitement over Star War jammies.
Oldest son was happy to find new supply of white socks for the year. For me it is the simple. The tradition. The predictable that often makes me smile the biggest. For Jason it just wouldn't be Christmas without new white socks from Mom.
New Years will be quiet with just Precious Husband cozied up together - probably both with our puters on our laps.
God has blessed us beyond measure this past year and we are looking forward to 2011 and all that it may hold. Precious Husband will be retiring from running his own business the last 20 some years and that should make for some interesting changes in our lives. Looking to God for His best for us and for our family and loved ones in the new year because I know without a doubt I can trust His hand in our lives.
God bless you all in this coming new year.