Our daughter Michelle has a lovely Kentucky garden with lots of Jalapeños so I tried my hand at canning some for her on Saturday. I did not put them in a water bath because I only made two quarts and they will last several weeks in the fridge. They will have rested two days by tonight and I am anxious for Precious Husband to give them a try. Jalapeños are something we can grow in Arizona too so if they turn out well I will plant some next spring and can them for Precious Husband to enjoy. Jalapeños are a staple with my husband and we buy them in the big #10 can and I am in trouble if the stock ever runs out so you can see my interest in growing these.
Not sure why the liquid is so milky looking - too many onions, too much oil? Just not sure but anxious for Precious Husband to try them and see what he thinks. Will keep looking for recipes from now till the time we can produce some peppers in our own garden.