Thursday, June 16, 2011

Yellow Bowl #7

So good to go but so goooood to be home.  Sleeping in our own bed with our favorite pillows.  Making breakfast in my beautiful kitchen.  Firing up the hand-maids for duty.  Yes, it is good to be home.

While out antiquing in California I found my 7th yellow bowl.  If you follow my blog you will know that I grew up with my mom making my dad's favorite cookies, chocolate chip, in a big yellow pyrex bowl.  I purchased a big yellow bowl and made my kids chocolate chip cookies and now make them for my 7 grandchildren.

Being the sentimental soul that I am I decided it would be fun to go on the hunt for yellow bowls to give all my kids and grandkids.  It has been so much fun to look for them when Precious Husband and I are out antiquing.  

When the new Mrs. Delightful Water, Monica noticed my yellow bowl in my kitchen she shared a childhood story of remembering her dad always having popcorn in the green bowl that nests in the set of 4.  Of course I had to gift Monica with a set of bowls so that her precious children can now eat popcorn out of the green bowl like that grandpa and she can make cookies in the yellow bowl like Dorothy,

I think I only have to find 6 more to make my plans complete.  Check here to read more about the yellow bowls.  Wahoo, the fun is in the hunt.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week's View

The whitest legs on the beach.  Need more sun!

Mr. Pelican on the pier in Cayucus, Calif.

My brother's place in Tulare, Calif. where the reunion was held.

Sweet niece, Jennifer

Mom, Sister MaryAnn and her first grandbaby, Rogue.

Sunset in Cambria, Calif.

Cute chair in Cayucus, Calif.

Wonderful week amidst amazing beauty with my most Precious Husband.  

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Sweet Heather over at asked me about a cookbook I have when she saw a prior post with this picture:

So I thought I would send a picture to her through my blog of the cover because it is a very pretty cookbook.  It was published as a fund raiser for our local city library in Maricopa and gives quite a bit of history about the library.    

So there you go Heather, hope you enjoy the picture.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Last Tuesday night as our women's ministry evening came to a close I was blessed with an out pour of love by the ladies in honor of my upcoming birthday.  Around the corner came a couple of the ladies carrying a beautiful cake and a gift bag of tokens of love including what you see here. These precious ladies will never know the extent to which this love touched my heart.

We are not blood related but yet these ladies are my family.  Beautiful precious loving sisters in the Lord.  How thankful to God I am that we have this connection of family.  To be called "Papa Paul" and "Momma Dorothy" by our church family is such an honor.