Monday, December 6, 2010

TLC #4 The Singer

Pictured above is Thomas, our youngest grandchild and often referred to by me as "the caboose".  This little boy definitely has his Mémère wrapped around his little finger according to Precious Husband and I must agree with him.  

He is 21 months old and he has been singing for months.  He now talks like a 4 year old but even before he could talk he was singing.   Well, maybe not singing with words, more like humming tunes.  Tunes he makes up himself primarily but once he starts a tune they continue on consistently with a pattern. 

It is the cutest thing to hear him playing and all the while singing his little tunes. I am sure he is going to be a singer.

Yes, he definitely has his Mémère wrapped around his little finger.  The trouble is he also knows it and he knows how to play it coy too.

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