Sunday, April 26, 2020

Home Sweet Home

Quarantine sounds like such a negative word to me.  I hear and read of so many people complaining that they have to stay home!

Not me! Not for one minute.  

"Home is where the heart is"  has always been a favorite quote of mine and now it is being put to the test.  I pass with flying colors cause there is no better place I would rather be than HOME, SWEET HOME!

Blessed to share my nest with my Precious Husband and now one of my adult children.  It is truly a blessing and honor to get up each day and do what it takes to create a home for my loved ones.

Quarantine, empty grocery shelves, no TOILET PAPER, oh my!  We are living our lives right now sheltering in place and wondering what the future holds.

This world as we know it seems to be turned upside down and topsy turvy but I know that my Lord has it all in His hands just like the song I sang as a little girl.  "He's got the whole world in His hands, the whole wide world in His Hands, He's got the whole world in His hands!"

I know no matter what happens I can trust the heart of my loving Heavenly Father to see His Children through whatever comes about.  That is a fact that brings peace and confidence to my heart as I shelter in my HOME, SWEET HOME!

Love and Hugs,