Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Celebrate and Eat Cake!

It came via a text message including a photo of a letter.  Our daughter Michelle in Kentucky, photographed a letter from the President of Eastern Kentucky University congratulating our oldest grandson, Tristan on making the Presidents List.  According to the letter only a very few excel to this point of perfection in a semester earning a perfect grade point average.

Of course we are so proud of our grandson and it was only fitting that we celebrate his achievement. So I made a cake!  It would have been a perfect celebration if we could have shared the cake with Tristan and his family but alas, they are 1800 miles away.

So Precious Husband and I ate cake!  Here is to you Tristan!  Thanks for a reason to celebrate.  You make your grandparents proud every day and you always have.

Tristan (age 6)

Tristan's High School Graduation 2015

The cake by the way is a keeper!  Need a good recipe? Go here.

Love and Blessings,

Monday, January 22, 2018


Thus says the Lord to you: 
"Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, 
for the battle is not yours, but God's.
2 Chronicles 20:15

Love and Blessings,

Sunday, January 21, 2018


This is taken from a copy of the September 1996 issue of Ideals Magazine

Hygge.  Have you heard of it?  Do a Google and you will find so many references to this Danish lifestyle.

If you are so inclined go here for a very good article that explains what hygge is.

A simple short definition of hygge is: 
Hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) is the Danish art of creating joy and coziness in life's everyday moments, whatever the season or time of day . . . Hygge is not about perfection.

Hygge (pronouced "HUE-gah"). Though there are many ways to describe hygge, we see it simply as the Danish ritual of enjoying life's simple pleasures.  Friends. Family. Graciousness.

You will notice that in two definitions there are two pronunciations. People find it a hard word to pronounce but it is definitely an easy lifestyle to enjoy and try to emulate I believe.

Here is one more definition from Wikipedia:
The word hygge comes from a Danish word meaning "wellbeing". Hug comes from the 1560s word huge, which means "to embrace". The word huge is of unknown origin but is highly associated with an Old Norse term, hygge, which means "to comfort", which comes from the word hugs, meaning "mood".

Joy, coziness, friends, family, graciousness, comfort, well-being.  What is not to enjoy about the lifestyle of hygge!

Think I will go put the tea kettle on and invite Precious Husband for some hot chocolate with (real) whipped cream.

Hugs and Blessings,

If you have read this far please enlarge the picture above and let the devotional written there bless you.