Simple pops of color for you to enjoy today:
My African Violet that I purchased in Kentucky has finally decided to put forth its' royal display after several months of what? rest maybe?
The vivid color always amazes me.
Recently I added a Coleus to my windowsill and it seems to be thriving. I have a few cuttings that are attempting to put out tiny roots. Yay!
Pooh Bear is feeling chipper after receiving an overdue
new coat of paint thanks to my friend Nancy.

This beauty came as a bonus surprise from the birdseed
Precious Husband blesses all our birds with daily.

In spite of the Arizona heat our Lantana and Asparagus flourish giving us color all year long.
Adding to our color are the koi and gold fish swimming contentedly going deeper in the pond as the heat of the daily sun intensifies. These guys just would not sit still for a picture
Blessings & Hugs,