Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Love His Smile!

Yesterday I took Anthony to the dentist.  He needed a couple small fillings and was in the chair more than an hour.  Poor guy, I kept thinking - having to hold your mouth open like that for such long periods of time is hard.  But when I went in to help him from the dentist chair back into his wheelchair he was all smiles and cutting up with the dentist.

The kid amazes me!  Everywhere he goes he wins friends and influences people and mainly it is with that smile and very happy outgoing personality.  Lots of people having a winning smile and lots of people have an outgoing happy personality but you see Anthony has cerebral palsy and what would appear in the natural as a lot of strikes against him.  He is non-ambulatory and non-verbal but that doesn't stop him making an impact on all those around him. 

When Anthony was in preschool I would come into class and meet a new therapist or someone and the first thing they would say to me was, "Oh, you are Anthony's mother!  He has the most beautiful smile in the world!"

Yes, I am Anthony's mother and he makes my heart smile!


Michelle King said...

Love that picture! He is so handsome. Send it to me so I can have some "Anthony Smiles" in every day!

Diane Shiffer said...

I know exactly how you feel!! Aren't we so blessed to have such beautiful children? Your Anthony looks like a real treasure☺