Thursday, November 11, 2010

Total Refreshment

I started the day with a phone call from a loved one who needed to vent.  After 45 minutes of intent listening I was left feeling a little wilted to say the least.  Refreshment was needed even at this early hour.

Thus the picture above. 

My Double Delights are a refreshment for the senses for sure.  Gorgeous color and beauty and the scent they freely give is beyond describing. 

Coffee in an old favorite mug.  Mmmm refreshment!

Last and the most importantly is God's Word the most important most long lasting refreshment.  With my coffee in hand I retreated to my sanctuary (a.k.a my office) and proceeded to find a scripture that I could put to memory and have for meditation all day. 

Three things.  Definitely refreshment for the body, soul and spirit.

1 comment:

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

Hi Dorothy....I love your blog...and the godly encouragement and other fun stuff you share with us :) :) :) Thanks for sharing this... Sometimes I feel that way at work. It's hard not to join in the "complaining" at work...and I have to remember to rest in HIM and let HIm be the decision maker in my life :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)